Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sorry for the long delay. We made it home!!  

My daughter was sick for 4 days with fever and a sore throat.  We chose a different route for our trip home and ended up spending two nights in Scottsdale. I will fill you in on our whole trip with the next few post. In the meantime, I think all my family is on the mend, except now I am not feeling so great.  I hope I can fight this off.

It's good to go away, but it's good to be home!

Will catch up this week. Please check back. 


Heather McTaggart said...

Glad you made it home, sorry to hear about all the sickness! Hope everyone is better and back to their regular schedules so mom can get some rest!

Diane Powers said...

Thanks Heather. I had a whole day of rest on Sunday, and back up to speed today!